Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News

We’re constantly reminded that we have to be the quarterbacks of our own health care experience. But we have such limited access to information that it often feels like we’re dropping back in the pocket wearing a blindfold. Hopefully, that’s about to change. “The American Revolution had July 4. The allies had D-Day. And now U.S. patients, held down for decades by information hoarders, can rally around a new turning point, October 6, 2022 — the day they got their health data back. Under federal rules taking effect Thursday, health care organizations must give patients unfettered access to their full health records in digital format. No more long delays. No more fax machines. No more exorbitant charges for printed pages.” Stat News: Call it data liberation day: Patients can now access all their health records digitally. This news is nothing to turn your head and cough at.

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