Be Still My Tweeting Heart
As a Twitter addict, it doesn’t much surprise me that President Trump was unwilling to follow Bill Barr’s suggestion that he stop tweeting about matters related to the Justice Department. (Perhaps Trump’s failure to comply was related to the fact that the only thing more disingenuous than Trump’s tweets was Barr’s interview.) Barr had implied that the presidential tweets “make it impossible for me to do my job.” (Barr thinks it’s impossible to do his job under these conditions? Try being a friggin news curator.)
+ OK, now that we’re all distracted by the faux outrage and the continued tweeting, let’s get back to the meddling. NYT: Barr Installs Outside Prosecutor to Review Case Against Michael Flynn.
+ AP: US won’t charge ex-FBI official McCabe.
+ Franklin Foer: Now We Know What Kind of Authoritarian Trump Aspires to Be. “After the past week—which saw the firing of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, the revocation of the Justice Department’s sentencing memo for Roger Stone, and Attorney General Bill Barr’s increasingly heavy-handed control of the investigations into his boss—there’s less doubt about the contours of the state Trump hopes to build. He’s creating Kyiv-on-the-Potomac.” (My money was on Moscow on the Hudson.)