August 4th – The Day’s Most Fascinating News

I Know What You Did Next Summer

We most often associate prison sentences with a person’s past deeds. But what if the duration of your sentence was determined — at least in part — by the things you’re likely to do in the future? That might sound like a page ripped from the Minority Report screenplay, but it’s actually part of a new program that’s on the verge of implementation in Pennsylvania. Should you be sentenced for crimes you’re likely to commit? Here’s The Marshall Report with an interesting look at the new science of sentencing.


Young Blood

We’re tired. We’re not as sharp as we used to be. We’re slowing down. What we really need is some new blood around here. Literally. Here’s The Guardian’s Ian Sample with the story of the scientists who are trying to prove that we can reverse the aging process by putting young blood into older people. (Now my kids know why I’m so adamant that they get plenty of exercise and eat their vegetables.)


There Goes the Parenthood?

While a Senate effort to defund Planned Parenthood failed on Monday, the move was merely the beginning of what promises to be the upcoming election’s most heated battle; one that will extend from the courts to the court of public opinion. The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf on the stories shaping the abortion debate.


Why Can’t We Live Together?

We work together. We ride together. Why can’t we live together? Co-living is the latest lifestyle being exported from the Bay Area. The vision is (sadly) not driven by the free-love communal vibe that was popular in previous decades. This time around, the co-living movement is all about sharing things like WiFi, food delivery, cleaning services, and all of life’s other little details that stand between you and the realization of your entrepreneurial destiny. I mean really, why should your life get in the way of your app development?


Glass Sealing

“Ms. Zhou knows the drill. For years, she labored in a factory, the best job she could get having grown up in an impoverished village in central China.” The NYT’s David Barboza on the world’s richest self-made woman and her company’s glass screens (that you’re likely to be touching as you click on this link).

+ How can we build increasingly giant skyscrapers that are coated almost entirely in glass? The short answer: “These days glass isn’t just glass.” The longer answer involves a look into nanotechnology.


Made For China

“During our search, South Carolina quickly rose to the top of our list. We chose to locate our first US facility in South Carolina for a number of reasons, which include the state’s workforce, proximity to cotton producers and access to the port.” Quartz on the Chinese textile manufacturers that found a cheap new place for outsourcing: The United States.



“He says what he means and he means what he’s saying. He ain’t going to say he’s sorry. Sometimes he likes to say things not politically correct, but they all better get used to that. The people who do speak politically correct have been losers.” (OK, it’s hard to argue with all of that…) GQ’s Drew Magary goes to Iowa to try to figure out what kind of people would vote (like, seriously vote) for Donald Trump.

+ Ezra Klein on the media’s five stages of grief over Donald Trump. I’m guessing that stage six will be the acceptance that covering this sideshow is a lot more fun than covering the regular election. Ultimately, Donald Trump is guilty of making a mockery of this mockery.

+ During every election cycle we’re sure that we are hitting new lows. But there’s always someone like Yale’s Joanne B. Freeman to remind us that this is all just a part of the long history of political idiocy.


Your Dog Should Lawyer Up

“Next up is Funny French Bulldog (Moose) Sings Along with Accordion Practice, in which a dog snuggled in a zebra-striped blanket tries to follow an off-screen accordion with off-key yelps. Granzow watches skeptically. ‘All right,’ he finally says, ‘that’s cute.’ It is approved.” Wired’s Julian Berman takes you inside the company that turns viral videos big business. That’s the miracle of technology. It can even turn accordion practice into cash.

+ Six TV pets hated by their castmates.


A Board Level Decision

For the past few weeks, Wired has been doing a series of articles on the ways almost everything that’s connected (from cars to bank accounts) can be hacked. Today’s installment: Hackers Can Seize Control of Electric Skateboards and Toss Riders. (Don’t say I never shared a feel-good hacker story.)


Bottom of the News

“You think they’re pissed now? Just wait until they find out that Soylent is made of lion.” By popular demand, here’s the latest in my series: Just Admit It, Part Three. (This will feel good, I promise.)

+ Here are the winners of the Nat Geo traveler photo contest.

+ It’s hot, it’s humid, it’s miserable. But you still don’t view August as the worst month. Here’s WaPo’s definitive ranking of the best and worst months of the year. (Apparently, it’s also a slow news month.)

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