May 13th – The Day’s Most Fascinating News

The Lede on Speed

These words are loading at normal Internet speed. But that may not be true for all digital words as Facebook (in partnership with the NYT, Buzzfeed and other publications) just rolled out Instant Articles. You can now read full articles without ever leaving Facebook. And as Casey Newton of The Verge points out, “if the format proves successful, and Facebook maintains its dominance in distributing news online, publishers could become ever more dependent on a platform they can’t control.”

+ NY Mag: “Not surprisingly, the prospect of a Facebook partnership is generating palpable anxiety inside the Times newsroom.”

+ And here are four reasons why this deal worries me: The NYT Changes Its Relationship Status to Married.


Off the Rails

At least seven people were killed, and many more injured, when an Amtrak train derailed in Philadelphia. Early reports suggest that the train was traveling 100 mph in 50-mph zone. Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter summed up the scene as “an absolute disastrous mess.”


Live to Tell

“The papers they have gathered since January 2014 –- with more vital evidence of regime atrocities –- have been buried underground, to be recovered at a time when transporting them across the border will not be suicidal.” The Guardian’s Julian Borger on the investigators who risk their lives to collect evidence of war crimes in Syria.

+ BBC: Islamic State deputy leader killed in Iraq air strike.


Life’s Work

If you teach a man to fish, you should probably also teach him about the risks associated with that gig. Bloomberg takes a look at the deadliest jobs and finds some stats that might surprise you.


Kim Jong-unstable

“The execution of a figure as close to Mr Kim as Mr Hyon was surprising and could give cause for concern about the country’s stability.” That could be a bit of an understatement as reports from North Korea suggest Kim Jong-un had his defense minister killed by anti-aircraft fire in front of a large crowd. Among the victim’s transgressions: He had “fallen asleep during an event attended by Kim Jong-un and had not carried out instructions.”


The Wad Couple

GoPro founder and CEO Nick Woodman just shelled out $229 million to fulfill a promise he made to his college roommate. (I still haven’t fulfilled my promise to friend my college roommate on Facebook.)


Two Minutes to Live

“Those who walked around after standing, replacing some of their sitting time with a light-intensity activity like strolling, gained a substantial benefit in terms of mortality risk.” A study found that some of the much-discussed risks of sitting can be mitigated by doing as little as taking a 2-minute walk.


The Gator Good

“In rural Mississippi, my brother and I were always burning things like leaves and garbage and carcasses, and sometimes he told us to put gas on the fire, because he believed a fire could teach boys about life.” In Outside, Harrison Scott Key shares some memories from childhood: My Dad Tried to Kill Me with an Alligator. (I cried when my dad beat me at ping pong.)


Bottom of the News

“What one woman calls kinky, another calls breakfast. The internet contains every known sexual preference, from nasolingus to head scissors.” From Laura Beck in The Morning News: I Wanna Be Your Forniphilia.

+ A baseball game proposal. Sure, we’ve seen that before. But not one from a first responder who saved a woman who had been stabbed 32 times. Imagine going out with this couple for the first time and asking, “So how’d you two meet?”

+ “No, I’m lactose intolerant, actually.” Sadly, that quote is from an interview with an ice cream truck driver.

+ “It is just a bad idea and not going to end well.” So please don’t get drunk and chase bears with a hatchet.

+ There are only 2 days left to get your NextDraft Internet Superhero T-Shirt.

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