November 3rd – The Day’s Most Fascinating News

There Will Be Blood

Family run businesses have their own unique set of challenges (hashtag Fredo). But some of the biggest businesses in the world are still run by members of what Warren Buffett likes to call, The Lucky Sperm Club. “Management experts expected the hereditary principle to fade fast, because of the greater ability of professionally-run public firms to raise capital and attract top talent,” but family firms have held their ground. (Time will tell which of my children can come up with decent puns in the face of 118 open browser tabs.) Matthew Bishop in The Economist: Business in the blood.

+ “To lead the beer giant, he tapped his sons, who, unlike their decorous father, were known largely for their fast-talking, party-boy gloss: Daren, 31, who bought an $18 million mansion from Hugh Hefner, and Evan, 33, who a decade ago told a New York Times reporter, ‘I’ve been with more chicks than any fat guy you know, except Pavarotti.'” From WaPo, meet the Twinkie-saving, beer-selling billionaire who has changed the way you eat (with a little help from his sons).

+ “Bun Tek Ngoy touched down at Camp Pendleton on a military plane in May of 1975 with his wife and three young children. He had no home and no money, and his country had been overrun by a gang of pitiless thugs.” That, it turns out, was the opening chapter in the story of the California doughnut king. The final chapter will feature a battle against America’s biggest doughnut chain. They say sugar is toxic, gluten is terrible, and fried foods will kill you. But there’s still gold in them thar doughnuts. From Greg Nichols in California Magazine: Dunkin’ and the Doughnut King.


Not Interested

“The real problem is that, to your brain, the world that you live in essentially feels not very interesting.” In the NYT, Richard Friedman provides an interesting take on the rise of ADHD.

+ The president of a company that made screws for spinal fusion made enough cash to own three private planes. You’ll never guess who really got screwed. As usual, the Center for Investigative Reporting has your back.


None of the Above

ISIS is coming for you. Ebola is making its way across the borders. This season’s campaign ads (some of which include video from ISIS) have turned the ballot box into a panic room. From TNR, here’s how irrational fears shape elections.

+ Unlike most of us, Lewis Rubinson had something to be afraid of: “A few days after he accidentally stuck himself with a needle in an Ebola ward in Sierra Leone … his temperature topped 103 degrees.” From WaPo’s Frances Stead Sellers: Exposed.


Your Engine’s Funny Noise

I don’t really care about my car. I care even less about your car. But I absolutely loved Car Talk. So long, Clack. From NPR: Tom Magliozzi, popular co-host of NPR’s Car Talk, Dies At 77. As the show’s longtime producer explains: “His laugh is the working definition of infectious laughter.”


Tower of Brabble

Politcal infighting and cost overruns pushed its debut back by about eight years, but the first wave of tenants is finally moving into 1 World Trade Center.

+ In his opening monologue on SNL, Chris Rock shared his thoughts on the Freedom Tower which he called the Never Going in There Tower in a routine that was either controversial or another example the Rock is still America’s best stand-up comic.


Give it Away Now

Vox: “Giving money away makes us happy. Then why do so few of us do it?”

+ If you’d like to give away more money, but you worry that you don’t have enough, then you could probably use some advice from Snoop Dogg, investor. (Buy High, Sell High.)



“One in seven oncologists have admitted, anonymously, to helping patients die.” But Brittany Maynard had to move to Oregon in order to commit suicide after being diagnosed with what one doctor calls “the Terminator of cancers.” She killed herself on Saturday. But the debate surrounding her death needs to continue.

+ “I remember being in an appointment with my doctor saying that pediatric brain cancer needed a face. That’s kind of why I’m going after this game.” ESPN tells the very moving story of Mount St. Joseph basketball player Lauren Hill as she took the court for more game. And here are some photos from Lauren’s one last game.

+ “I have to think something most everyone with a sick loved one shares is a frustration over our inability to effect change in the situation.” In Matter, Cord Jefferson shares a personal story about kindness: My Mother is Sick.


Noir Do Well

“Lost letters worth thousands. A family trying to uncover the truth about a man all mixed up in the glamour and the seediness of L.A. between the wars. And a Hollywood screenwriter who stood to gain a lot from any story I might write. This was L.A. noir.” In the LA Times, Daniel Miller takes a shot at Finding Marlowe.


Double Play

Joe Panik to Brandon Crawford to Brandon Belt. It was the turning point in Game 7 of the World Series and one of the biggest defensive plays ever. Check out this awesome, statistical and slow-mo look at what it look to make the play.


The Bottom of the News

When have we reached peak artisanal grain? Well, if you’re eating acorns, you’re probably getting pretty close.

+ According to a study, milk may not be very good for your bones. That’s just one more reason why I only drink acorn juice.

+ Romeo and Juliet had no balcony.

+ Taylor Swift has removed her music from Spotify. At least Spotify can look forward to her writing a break-up song about them.

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