There Will Be Blood
Family run businesses have their own unique set of challenges (hashtag Fredo). But some of the biggest businesses in the world are still run by members of what Warren Buffett likes to call, The Lucky Sperm Club. “Management experts expected the hereditary principle to fade fast, because of the greater ability of professionally-run public firms to raise capital and attract top talent,” but family firms have held their ground. (Time will tell which of my children can come up with decent puns in the face of 118 open browser tabs.) Matthew Bishop in The Economist: Business in the blood.
+ “To lead the beer giant, he tapped his sons, who, unlike their decorous father, were known largely for their fast-talking, party-boy gloss: Daren, 31, who bought an $18 million mansion from Hugh Hefner, and Evan, 33, who a decade ago told a New York Times reporter, ‘I’ve been with more chicks than any fat guy you know, except Pavarotti.'” From WaPo, meet the Twinkie-saving, beer-selling billionaire who has changed the way you eat (with a little help from his sons).
+ “Bun Tek Ngoy touched down at Camp Pendleton on a military plane in May of 1975 with his wife and three young children. He had no home and no money, and his country had been overrun by a gang of pitiless thugs.” That, it turns out, was the opening chapter in the story of the California doughnut king. The final chapter will feature a battle against America’s biggest doughnut chain. They say sugar is toxic, gluten is terrible, and fried foods will kill you. But there’s still gold in them thar doughnuts. From Greg Nichols in California Magazine: Dunkin’ and the Doughnut King.