Feel Good Friday

“At 16 years old, a North Texas teenager became the youngest graduate of Texas Woman’s University. The previous youngest grad was her older sister.” That’s pretty good. But there’s also this: A teenager from Chicago walked in her graduation ceremony this month after earning her doctoral degree at 17.

+ A set of quintuplets from New Jersey are now all graduates of the same school in their home state — albeit with different majors.

+ “Patent-pending design by Johns Hopkins undergrads could be available in stores within two years.” Students Invent Quieter Leaf Blower.

+ The first Mexican taco stand to get a Michelin star is a tiny business where the heat makes the meat.

+ NYT: How Kite Surfing in Remote Colombia Changed a Boy. And a Village.

+ The untold story of the Chinese Americans who helped create Yosemite.

+ Tiny US fire department using 1980s gear surprised by $500,000 donation.

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