A Real Choodunnit

“What made Victor Llamas memorable wasn’t his criminality so much as his giddy enthusiasm for trespassing. He was a self-taught expert of the supply chain, a connoisseur of shipping containers. Even in custody, as the detectives interrogated him numerous times, after multiple arrests, in a windowless police-station room in the spring of 2022, a kind of nostalgia would sweep over the man. ‘He said that was the best feeling he’d ever had, jumping on the train while it was moving,’ Joe Chavez, who supervised the task force’s detectives, told me. ‘It was euphoric for him.'” Train robberies may bring up visions of black and white movies, but ecommerce transport has brought the crime into our technicolor times. NYT (Gift Article): A Strange 21st-Century Revival: The Train Robbery.

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