Whatcha Talkin bout Willis

John Eastman was among the first handful of Trump-connected defendants to turn themselves in at Fulton County Jail. Trump, who agreed to a $200,000 bond and other release conditions (including a STFU clause) is expected on Thursday. But behind the scenes, some Georgia GOP state politicians are still working to blow up the case (and the legal system in Georgia) with a commission that will soon have the power to sanction and even remove prosecutors. Trump’s Georgia allies search for ways to punish Fani Willis.

+ “It would be highly unusual for the boss to get involved and make a call like the one to Raffensperger … There’s no way Vincent (the Chin) Gigante would make that call. He’d have someone do it for him. But it’s Trump’s arrogance, his belief that he can do it better and successfully intimidate Raffensperger.” David Remnick in The New Yorker: The Mobster Cosplay of Donald Trump. (At this point, it seems more like DSM cosplay.)

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