Shell Game
“In July, Taco John’s, a Wyoming-based chain that operates almost 400 restaurants, gave up its right to the trademark in 49 states, which it had owned since 1989.” But there’s still one more claim to the Taco Tuesday trademark that Taco Bell has worked to liberate and place into the public domain. It’s in Jersey, on the shore, and the restaurant owner with two first names (Gregory Gregory) doesn’t seem to care que Taco Bell quiere. WaPo (Gift Article): At a Jersey Shore bar, Taco Tuesday’s soul lives on in a trademark. “It’s a custom that comes in the form of two hard-shell ground beef tacos with taco seasoning, lettuce, tomatoes and shredded cheddar cheese that Gregory’s serves with a spork in a red basket and sells for $3.50. And it has all happened under a trademark that Gregory, who amusingly doesn’t like tacos or Mexican food and hasn’t eaten a taco in decades, has owned for more than 40 years.” (A guy who doesn’t eat tacos vs a company that shouldn’t really be able to call what they sell tacos. Let’s just call today Tuesday and move on.)