Uneasy Lies the Head That Wears a BK Crown
“Picture the following: It’s a bright summer Sunday, and the air is fresh and warm. You decide to go to the pool. You grab your towel, your sunglasses, your Pizza Hut-branded bucket hat and your Arby’s Beefy Aloha swimsuit, stamped with a Hawaiian shirt pattern and images of the fast-food chain’s beef and cheddar sandwich. Your Taco Bell x Crocs slides are waiting for you at the door, along with your Rao’s Homemade sauce jar-shaped luxury purse. Later, you’ll switch it out for your sandwich-size BAGuette bag from Panera for a night out on the town.” Or maybe don’t picture any of that? WaPo (Gift Article): Panera swimsuits and Rao’s purses: Fast-food fashion is in peak bloom. (A schlemiel is the guy who spills his soup. A schlimazel is a guy who wears his soup.)