Wingnut Case

“A jury was seated Tuesday to hear a voting machine company’s $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News in a trial that will test First Amendment protections and expose the network’s role in spreading the lie of a stolen 2020 presidential election. Jury selection came a day after the judge granted a one-day delay that offered time to see if the two sides could work out a settlement.” Jury seated to hear case about Fox’s false election claims. I was actually worried that the two sides would make a deal. Let’s have the trial and force Fox to finally operate in a setting where you have to tell the truth. You can’t put a price tag on the damage their support of the Big Lie did to America (even if their own viewers will hear more about Hunter Biden’s laptop than this case.) Here’s an idea: Make Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity deliver the news under oath. Here’s the latest on the trial.

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