Murdoch, He Wrote

If you’re suffering from a midweek jones for a new episode of Succession, you can spend some time reading about the real family that at least partly inspired the show. “The central fault line remains the rift between James and Lachlan. According to sources, the brothers no longer speak. James is horrified by Fox News and tells people the network’s embrace of climate denialism, white nationalism, and stolen election conspiracies is a menace to American democracy. But to overthrow Lachlan and get control of Fox, James needs Elisabeth and Prudence to back him—and that is hardly assured.” Gabriel Sherman in Vanity Fair: Inside Rupert Murdoch’s Succession Drama. “With the $1.6 billion Dominion lawsuit threatening to hobble Fox News, the ink on his divorce to Jerry Hall still wet, and his broken engagement to Ann Lesley Smith even fresher, it’s been a chaotic 12 months for the 92-year-old conservative media baron. As Fox and family insiders tell it, this could just be the beginning.” (Let’s hope it all goes as poorly as possible.)

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