Weekend Whats

What to Read: “I was not expecting that there would be clean and well-stocked gas stations all over Ukraine. I did not expect every store in Lviv and Kyiv to be full and well lit and spotless. I did not expect to be able to buy Christmas ornaments made to look like Ukrainian soldiers in masks and carrying Sidewinder RPGs. I bought one of these, and bought toilet paper bearing the face of Vladimir Putin.” Dave Eggers recently returned from a trip to Ukraine. What he found surprised him, and it might surprise you, too. From (back and better than ever) The Believer: Sketches From Ukraine. “Even as their cities are bombed, Ukrainians continue to fill their malls with electronics, host classical music concerts, and import tropical fruits—acts of resistance in the face of Russia’s attempts to destroy the fabric of their society.”

+ What to Doc: The Martha Mitchell Effect is a short documentary on Netflix that profiles a cabinet wife who spoke out (often, and loudly) about Watergate, and how she drove Nixon crazy (and then they tried to make it seem like she was the crazy one.)

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