Weekend Whats

What to TV: Maybe it’s a midlife crisis. Or boredom. Or a low grade depression. Whatever it is, all I really do all day is watch sports or listen to sports talk. And, inevitably, the best part of the day is watching Pardon the Interruption with Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon. It opens with dad jokes, it ends with Wilbon calling viewers, knuckleheads, and in between the two hosts cover the day’s sports with a clock running to make sure they get to every topic. I love the show. I’ve also long believed that cable news hosts should have the adhere to a similar timing system so they’d actually share a variety of news stories (like your favorite newsletter) instead of running day-long panels on the same worn out topic.

+ What to Follow: I’ve stopped Tweeting, which has been hard since I’m an internet dopamine addict. But I still post on the fast-growing Mastodon network. If you’re on that federated platform, you can follow me here. If you’re looking for nice user interfaces for Mastodon, I’d recommend Ivory for the iPhone, and Elk for the web. I’ve also been posting on Post.News, which is a new centralized platform that’s a cross between tweeting and blogging.

+ What to Read: “He trains with the intensity of a modern professional athlete, diving every weekday and spending hours in the gym, and relaxes like a sportsman of a bygone era, enjoying roll-up cigarettes in the evening and several drinks too many after a win. By his own admission he is spectacularly absentminded and spectacularly unbothered by the consequences. ‘Falling asleep on trains, missing planes, nothing phases him,’ said his sister Jeannette, whose wedding he came within a whisker of missing.” No coach, no agent, no ego: the incredible story of the ‘Lionel Messi of cliff diving.’

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