Extra, Extra

Rep Rally: “They look at first glance like ordinary news outlets serving up headlines from around the world. The hundreds of websites, seemingly unconnected to one another, come in six languages and purport to cover far-flung cities such as Paris, London and Chicago. But beneath the surface, the sites have something in common: They host frothy stories about clients of a little-known reputation-management company that promises to remake the online images of its customers.” WaPo (Gift Article): Leaked files reveal reputation-management firm’s deceptive tactics.

+ Lives Derailed: “I’m losing so much sleep. I’ve already been to the doctor twice, and I’m taking anxiety pills…This is 10 times worst than just losing my livelihood.” Ohio town reflects on chemical train derailment aftermath. Folks near the derailment are dealing with chemicals, a lack of information, and of course, fake news.

+ Lie Now, Pay Later: “Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has filed for bankruptcy but has nearly $10m in assets and spends almost $100,000 a month, according to court filings.”

+ Bing It On: “Microsoft has nothing to lose. It’s spent billions on Bing, a search-engine no one voluntarily uses. Might as well try something so stupid it might just work. But why is Google, a monopolist who has a 90-plus% share of search worldwide, jumping off the same bridge as Microsoft?” Cory Doctorow on Google’s Chat Bot Panic.

+ Spy Fly: “U.S. and European security officials caution that Russia retains significant capabilities but said that its spy agencies have sustained greater damage over the past year than at any time since the end of the Cold War. The magnitude of the campaign appears to have caught Russia off-guard.” In addition to committing mass murder, causing endless deaths of his own citizens, and driving a mass exodus from Russia, Putin is also ruining his spy apparatus. WaPo: In wake of Ukraine war, U.S. and allies are hunting down Russian spies.

+ Separate But Sequel: “A woman from Fisher Branch, Man., had decided to do an at-home ancestry kit. When Evelyn Stocki clicked on the results of her own at-home ancestry kit, she was shocked to find that she had a full-blooded brother living in British Columbia.” A hospital’s mistake left two men estranged from their heritages. Now they fight for answers.

+ Whoops: Hobby Club’s Missing Balloon Feared Shot Down By USAF.

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