Extra, Extra

Tank Tops: We all know 2022 was a rough year on the roads. Oil prices soared. Inflation rose. Gas prices made headlines. So anyone in that business must have suffered. Yeah, right. Exxon posts record $56bn profit for 2022 in historic high for western oil industry.

+ Save Your Shelf: In Florida, some teachers are hiding their books to avoid potential felony charges.

+ Machine Learning From Someone: “Supporters see algorithms as a promising way to make a strained child protective services system both more thorough and efficient, saying child welfare officials should use all tools at their disposal to make sure children aren’t maltreated. But critics worry that including data points collected largely from people who are poor can automate discrimination against families based on race, income, disabilities or other external characteristics.” Child welfare algorithm faces Justice Department scrutiny. (Algorithms are too human.)

+ iOS SOS: “The series of upheavals has drawn renewed attention to the precarious lives of Chinese manufacturing workers, who increasingly work on a gig-like basis. For Apple, it has also highlighted the reputational and economic risks of having the bulk of its most profitable product made by one facility.” Rest of World: Inside three turbulent months at Foxconn’s iPhone factory.

+ Dance Sentence: “The sentences handed to Astiyazh Haghighi and Amir Mohammad Ahmadi are longer than the one an Iranian man was given for beheading his teenage wife.” Young Iranian Couple Jailed for 10 Years Over Video of Them Dancing in Public.

+ Doing it Her Way: “Her unpretentious intelligence, talent, wit and humanity impacted every character she created and person she worked with.” So said Ron Howard upon learning of the death of Laverne & Shirley actress, Cindy Williams.

+ RondStats: Linda Ronstadt’s Long, Long Time is the latest song getting renewed love on the charts due to an appearance on a TV show.

+ Procede With Caution: Showtime is going to be combined with Paramount Plus, so they needed a name for the new app. Introducing Paramount Plus with Showtime. (A branding firm probably charged a few million for that gem.)

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