Weekend Whats
What to Know: “37 per cent of the world’s population, 2.9 billion people, have never used the Internet … Applicants are 1.5% more likely to be granted asylum by a US judge the day after their city’s NFL team won … 40% of global shipping involves moving fossil and other fuels … A deep learning model trained on 85,000 eyes can tell male from female eyeballs with 87% accuracy but no one knows why.” These are a few of the tidbits on Tom Whitwell’s always interesting annual list: 52 things I learned in 2022.
+ What to Read: Pocket is out with their annual list of all the best and most interesting reads across different categories. This should keep you busy this weekend.
+ What to Watch: On Hulu and FX: Fleishman Is in Trouble. A recently divorced man must learn how to juggle parenting, the world of app-based dating and his career. (If it all becomes too much, I’d suggest dropping the kids.)