Phone Tag

“After her baby died in the night, a young mother called 911. Police thought they could read her mind just by listening. Now she’s haunted by the words she chose.” ProPublica: How Jessica Logan’s Call for Help Became Evidence Against Her. “Five months earlier, he had taken a two-day law enforcement training course called ‘911 homicide: Is the caller the killer?’ that was held at a nearby community college. The instructor, who is the chief architect of the discipline, promises those who attend his classes they’ll leave with the power to solve murders by listening to a 911 call. For more than a decade, the training program and its methods have spread across the country and burrowed deep into the justice system, largely without notice. Pitched exclusively to law enforcement, others in the justice system, including defense lawyers and judges, often learn police have used the technique for the first time in the courtroom.”

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