Fleein’ Ian
In some ways, it’s the small stories that really give you a sense of the outsized power of unnatural natural events like Hurricane Ian. Charles Bethea in The New Yorker: Surviving Hurricane Ian in a Fort Myers Apartment Complex. “As dusk was falling, Rayhart heard Stefanie scream, ‘There’s a boat!’ An unmoored yacht, visible in the wind and rain, was coming toward their apartment. It shifted slightly as it drew near, instead passing over the apartment’s pool, and ended up wedged between two buildings. ‘A close call,’ Rayhart recalled. Then another yacht appeared. ‘Like, a million-dollar freaking-big yacht,’ Rayhart said. ‘This time it’s coming directly for my living room.’ He told everyone except Stebbins and the man from downstairs to get in his bedroom, farthest away from where the yacht seemed poised to strike the building. ‘I’m standing there, and I’m looking at them,’ Rayhart said, ‘like, ‘Are you guys ready, because it’s about to get real.'”
+ “Bishop yanked on the medical gait belt around Russell’s waist, but he was nearly 170 pounds. She tried every position possible, switching from pushing to pulling, and managed to get him up a few carpeted steps. But the water followed.” ‘I Did All I Could’: As Floodwaters Rose, She Fought to Save Her Disabled Brothers.
+ His mom’s house flooded during Ian. He swam a half-mile to save her.