Hire Island

“He talks about nurturing the community as if he’s creating a thriving town in The Sims. ‘Don’t try to force it … You have to create infrastructure, but you don’t own it. You have to give the power to the nomads as soon as possible.’ Hall goosed things along by offering sunset hikes and afternoon swims, but eventually the newcomers took to the channel to organize their own activities. Before long, Hall says, ‘Nomads were managing the nomads.'” On a sun-dappled island in the middle of the ocean a group of digital nomads is engaged in a novel experiment that might foretell the future of work. David Kushner in GQ: Escape to Zoom Island. “Tourists come to Ponta do Sol for its seafood: succulent shrimp and luscious limpets bathed in fresh olive oil and garlic, and its spears of perfectly grilled local lamb. But since about one quarter of nomads are vegetarian or vegan, restaurants had to get with the tofu and the veggies. At Steak & Sun, Freitas added vegetarian options to the menu, or, as she wrote in English: ‘Betrayal of the Meat.'” (That’s also the title of my unpublished memoir about my love life during college.)

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