Tracks of Our Tears

“On the far side of a stretch of railroad tracks, two elderly women had been killed in their house. One lay in the doorway, another in the kitchen. Both were bundled in heavy winter coats. Neighbors said that they had been sisters, both in their seventies. Their small house was filled with hardcover books, and they did not own a television; it was impossible not to imagine their quiet, literary life together before it was annihilated. In the only bedroom, two narrow mattresses were pushed together and covered by a single blanket.” Luke Mogelson in The New Yorker: Collecting Bodies in Bucha.

+ “In two separate communications, Russian soldiers described how they question soldiers as well as civilians and then proceed to shoot them.” Germany intercepts Russian conversations on indiscriminate killings in Ukraine” Germany intercepts Russian conversations on indiscriminate killings in Ukraine. (The question isn’t whether the truth can be found, it’s whether it still matters.)

+ The United Nations General Assembly voted to to suspend Russia from the U.N. Human Rights Council. (In other news, Russia was part of the Human Rights Council.)

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