The promise of life not doing it for you? How about a donut? “Free beer, pot and doughnuts. Savings bonds. A chance to win an all-terrain vehicle. Places around the U.S. are offering incentives to try to energize the nation’s slowing vaccination drive and get Americans to roll up their sleeves. These relatively small corporate promotion efforts have been accompanied by more serious and far-reaching attempts by officials in cities such as Detroit, where they’re offering $50 to people who give others a ride to vaccination sites. Chicago is sending specially equipped buses into neighborhoods to deliver vaccines. Public health officials say the efforts are crucial to reach people who haven’t been immunized yet.” (Maybe they should show them news from India.)

+ Vox: “Vaccination has worked wonders to drive down deaths from infectious disease. A few hundred years ago, less than 60 percent of children saw their fifth birthday. Now, 95 percent do. Vaccines — against smallpox, measles, polio, diphtheria, and more — have driven that progress. But one of childhood’s biggest killers — malaria — has eluded effective vaccination. That, at long last, looks to be changing.”

+ Scientific American: Flu Has Disappeared Worldwide during the COVID Pandemic. (Some of our mask and distancing strategies should be adapted for the post pandemic world.)