The Needling and the Damage Done
“The damage to voters’ confidence may already have been done. Forty-five per cent of Americans believe the 2020 vote count will be accurate, a drop from the 59% who believed so in 2016, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Seventy-three per cent of Republicans believe that votes cast by mail will not be counted accurately, the poll found.” Trump’s USPS attacks are already undermining confidence in vote by mail. (As intended.)
+ In the case of the postal office, the doubt sowing is nearly matched by the actual damage being done to the service. Thousands of chicks arrive dead to farmers amid USPS turmoil.
+ Following his embrace of white supremacists, racists, human traffickers, traitors, and genocidal dictators, Trump embraces QAnon too. “I don’t know much about the movement [editor’s note: That’s a lie] other than I understand that they like me very much, which I appreciate [editor’s note: That’s the truth].”