A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That
WaPo on how parents are feeling about the Fall (I mean the Autumn, not the collapse). “Most American parents think it’s unsafe to send their children back to school given the risks of the novel coronavirus, and more than 80 percent favor holding school at least partly online, according to a Washington Post-Schar School survey conducted by Ipsos. But parents also express serious concerns with online schooling and many are drawn to systems that mix the two.” I’m endlessly bummed that my son will be starting high school on Zoom (and he’s not that excited about staring at my balding head rising behind this laptop). But when it comes to this story, it pays to look back before we look forward. My kids should be attending school in person this Fall. So should yours. This is a self-inflicted wound, inflicted by the same administration ordering you to send your kids into germ warfare.
+ WaPo: A Mississippi town welcomed students back to school last week. Now 116 are home in quarantine. This is education. So for eff’s sake, learn from these examples.
+ The truth behind a viral picture of a reopening school is worse than it looked.