Q and Weigh

One of things that makes the pandemic especially tough on kids is that it’s a case where their parents (at least the honest ones) don’t have the answers. That’s because even the experts often feel the same. There’s a lot of great information in this interview between The New Yorker’s Isaac Chotiner and Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health. But one thing that stands out is that even Lipsitch isn’t always sure how to answer your most pressing questions. What Activities Are Safe as the Coronavirus Continues to Spread? The only thing every expert is sure of is that we’ve screwed up the response to the threat. “I think not just poor policy choices but deliberate minimization of the threat by our national government, and a deliberate sidelining of public-health authorities in the response. And if you take the President’s words seriously, there are deliberate efforts to continue misunderstanding the epidemic by keeping testing limited. It all amounts to a really clear explanation for why we have the size of problem we have.”

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