A Tale of One City

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. As we consider when and how to re-open, it’s informative to reflect on when and how we shut down. We’ve seen stark differences in outcomes between neighboring countries. We’ve also seen remarkable contrasts among neighboring communities, even when they share many similarities. Consider the case of Corona and Flushing, two neighborhoods in Queens. “Both are high-density areas with similar socioeconomic profiles. They’re linked by the usually crowded No. 7 train. Nearly half of workers in both neighborhoods are employed in food service, construction, cleaning and transportation … Residents of both places typically have household income below the Queens … And almost half of apartments and houses in both areas have more than one occupant per room.” And yet, the similar neighborhoods have had very different experiences with Covid-19. The key: Timing. And for the neighborhood that paid a Queen’s ransom for closing too late (like the cities and states that will decide to open too soon), there’s no turning back time. The City: Early Precautions Draw a Life-And-Death Divide Between Flushing and Corona. We need consistent guidelines, and we need a cogent plan. Meanwhile, time keeps on slipping into the future.

+ Andy Slavitt: Relaxing All Social Distancing Behaviors Now Is a Huge Mistake. “Welcome to 30 days of bliss. The type of bliss that often comes from ignorance … The 30 days will be blissful because people won’t pay the price for May’s experiment until June. But if people believe we are opening during a time when the curve is flat, they are wrong.”

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