Weekend Whats

What to Book: I was pumped when my virtual pal (and one of America’s hottest writers) Don Winslow offered to send me a preview copy of his upcoming book, Broken. The bummer was that he sent it to my office and it arrived the day after we were told to shelter at home. So I’ve been waiting for this for a while! Broken is getting great reviews. Get it now. And if you haven’t read Winslow’s drug war trilogy, your quarantine is about to get a lot better.

+ What to Watch: The show is probably not appropriate for children, but then again, neither are pandemics or quarantines. And my family of Japanophiles, Anglophiles, and televisionophiles, have been loving the crime thriller Giri/Haji on Netflix. Strong recommend.

+ What to Book: “He writes with candor and gravity; a tensile rod of human decency braces every paragraph. He attached himself to this story the way a human fly attaches to a skyscraper, and he refused to let go.” That’s how the NYT describes the well-reviewed and timely book by Pulitzer Prize winner (and NextDraft-subscriber) Eric Eyre, who covers the American epidemic that, so far, is the century’s most deadly. Death in Mud Lick: A Coal Country Fight Against the Drug Companies That Delivered the Opioid Epidemic. A must read.

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