Cause Play

Most years, we Californians just play presidential primary election. We dress up, we go to our polling place, we share selfies of our ballots and our “I voted” stickers. But this year, things feel wide open and Super Tuesday states could provide the tipping point in the Democratic race to pick a candidate to take on Trump. We’ve gone from cosplay to cause play. “A total of 14 states and one territory — including California and Texas, the two most populous states in the country — will hold their primaries or caucuses.” Here’s Super Tuesday, explained.

+ Buzzfeed: What To Watch For On Super Tuesday.

+ “Finish the evening with 14.9 percent of the vote and you end up with the same number of delegates as someone who didn’t run at all: Zero.” That’s one of the several elements of the race that will be tracked by the experts as they expect the counting to go well into the night (which night is anyone’s guess.) Follow the updates at WaPo.

+ If Super Tuesday is so pivotal and this election is so important, you’d think everyone would want a big turnout. So why did Texas close hundreds of polling sites, making it harder for minorities to vote? (The answer is in the question…)

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