Black and White and Red All Over

The always-excellent Alex Kotlowitz in The New Yorker with a look at the sad state of local journalism: How a Pair of Investigative Reporters Are Trying to Save the Chicago Tribune. “This may be journalism’s greatest challenge: How do we get people, especially those outside of our profession, to care about its future? Have we become so locked into Trump’s daily hammer blows to our democratic house that we are neglecting the cracks in the foundation? Last week, I spoke on the phone with Ash, of the Chicago Community Trust. He told me that he couldn’t drum up any interest. ‘People don’t seem that moved by the situation,’ he told me, clearly disheartened. They seem to believe that ‘if it goes out of business, it goes out of business.’ He mused that if the Art Institute, the city’s grandest museum, were going under, the public would step up to save it. He said, ‘People would think it’s too important to fail.'” (I agree that we don’t care enough about local newspapers. But the ones still around have had decades to come up with a model that works. That might be an impossible task, but in many cases there’s been remarkably little innovation. That’s a business failure, but also a failure of creativity.)

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