Feel Good Friday

“They fold into a deep hug. Then the tears start, silent and punctuated by a few sniffles. These are not the deep weeping tears of grief. They are tears of relief—from knowing that you’ve done right by someone you love, and from knowing that you’ve been accepted, or at least forgiven, by the family whose worst day was your best one.” A.C. Shilton in Bicycling: Their Son’s Heart Saved His Life. So He Rode 1,426 Miles to Meet Them.

+ His dog was saved from a deadly cancer. He bought a $6M Super Bowl ad to thank the vet.

+ Nebraska doctor lets patients pay for surgery by volunteering.

+ Bellevue teacher moved to tears by students pooling money to replace his stolen shoes.

+ WaPo: A 95-year-old woman was swindled out of nearly $18,000. Local towns rallied and got her money back.

+ Hennepin County Sheriff to issue free repair vouchers instead of spendy tickets for faulty car parts.

+ Santa Cruz decriminalizes psychedelic mushrooms. (It wasn’t exactly a hotbed of psychedelic-related arrests before this…)

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