Raging Bullshitter Bitter on Twitter

“Trump has now shared more than 80 tweets and retweets on impeachment since the start of the day.” From WaPo: Here’s the latest from the impeach pit. Fortunately, the president of the United States still had time for official business, such as be besting a teenager who won an award he thought he deserved. “So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!”. (Trump told Greta Thunburg to chill and watch a movie. So she watched All the President’s Men.)

+ Update: He’s up to 105 tweets and retweets.

+ In public, there’s a partisan war over Trump. In reality, there are bipartisan concerns. Example: Senate committee passes bipartisan bill to stop Trump withdrawing from Nato.

+ “American conservatives who find themselves identifying with Putin’s regime refuse to see the country for what it actually is.” Anne Applebaum: The False Romance of Russia. (It’s unbelievable that someone has to write this…)

+ Bloomberg: Giuliani Ally Parnas Got $1 Million From Russia.

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