Ag Reflex

“‘What do you call two farmers in a basement?’ Mr. Perdue asked near the end of a testy hourlong town-hall-style event. ‘A whine cellar.’ A cascade of boos ricocheted around the room.” It turns out that American farmers have lost their sense of humor when it comes to the trade war and the acres of broken promises. These numbers help explain why Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue’s one-liner went over like a pile of manure: “Total American agricultural exports to China were $24 billion in 2014 and fell to $9.1 billion last year.” NYT: Farmers’ Frustration With Trump Grows as U.S. Escalates China Fight.

+ An area of common ground between the US and China: We both love Costco. Here are the crazy scenes from Costco’s opening day in China.

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