Weekend Whats
What to Hear: A lot of the music reports out of SXSW celebrated the most excellent performance by Lizzo. She’s talented, she’s funny, and you get the feeling she’s just about to conquer the world. Start with her brand new duet with Missy Elliot and take it from there. So damn fun.
+ What to Watch: “A fight over land in a seaside town near Rome spirals into a deadly battle between organized crime, corrupt politicians and the Vatican.” Check out Suburra, Blood on Rome on Netflix. A lot of the series is spent focused on the stylized main character who stares off thoughtfully while Italian rap plays in the background. For some reason, it’s my happy place.
+ What to Read: “A weeklong trip in alaska was supposed to be an adventure. In an instant, it became the experience that defined us all.” Jon Mooallem in the NYT Mag: The Senseless Logic of the Wild.
+ What to Water: “There will be a day– in our lifetime–when we get to celebrate this moment. When we, as a global community, will be able to say that every single person on the planet has access to clean and safe drinking water.” But for now, hundreds of millions of our fellow humans live without easy access to our most vital need. It’s World Water Day. Check out the video and join the effort at Charity Water.