Weekend Whats

What to Youth: You may have noticed that we have a dearth of quality leadership around the world. Yet, as we’ve seen from Parkland and the marches around the country, young people are motivated and ready to assume leadership roles. To prime that ever-important pump, the most-excellent Dave Eggers, along with a slate of excellent writers and thinkers, has created the first International Congress of Youth Voices. The idea is to bring together the best teen minds from around the world to amplify their ideas and energy and to unite young people for a weekend of collaboration. One of the days is open to the public. Sounds like a great event for parents, teens, and anyone who’s interested in, well, the future. Get your tickets for the event at the Nourse Theater in San Francisco on August 4.

+ What to Watch: I’ve been looking for content that takes my mind completely off the news for a couple hours. It’s not easy, but I managed to pull it off for a couple hours with Edgar Wright’s Baby Driver, currently streaming on Showtime. Exciting from the first second, plus a great soundtrack. Since I liked Wright’s latest work, I dug in and watched Scott Pilgrim vs The World which is like a teen romance movie mixed with a video fighting game. In other words, it’s fun for the whole family. And basically everyone in it went on to star in stuff you’ve seen. So keep IMDB open.

+ What to Doc: Over a two-year period, filmmakers embedded with cops in Flint, Michigan, reveal a department grappling with volatile issues in untenable conditions. From public appearances by politicians to private moments between officers, Flint Town is a documentary series that provides a unique and intriguing look at a town on the brink.

+ Speaking of docs, Ken Burns’ The Vietnam War is now on Netflix.

+ I passed the 10,000 hour mark in the late nineties. So I know newsletters. If you missed it yesterday, I explained Why Newsletters are Immortal.

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