The Towering Inference

“Michael Cohen is reportedly ready to tell prosecutors that Donald Trump was aware of a June 2016 meeting between top campaign officials and Russians at Trump Tower before it occurred.” If that’s proven to be the case, it’s a total game changer as it pretty much defines collusion. The Atlantic: Michael Cohen’s Astonishing Claim About the Trump Tower Meeting. Rudy Giuliani discounted the claims and said of Cohen. “He’s been lying all week, he’s been lying for years.” (Wait, if he’s been lying for years and during those years he was Trump’s right hand man, lawyer, and fixer, then … ah, forget it.)

+ Among those who broke the latest Cohen story: Carl Bernstein.

+ WaPo: Trump is denying the allegations: “I did NOT know of the meeting with my son, Don jr.” (I started the day convinced he did know about the meeting, but those all-caps have got me thinking…)

+ Here’s something no one can deny, and something that is really, really hard to explain: There is currently no one in charge of U.S. cybersecurity.

+ Meanwhile, we have the first documented case of Russian hacking in the 2018 election.

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