April 3rd – The Day’s Most Fascinating News

Trump continues to attack Amazon, Spotify is trading, do we need military troops on the border?

Donald Trump has done the impossible. He’s made us root for Amazon. Or maybe we’re just rooting for the overall stock market that has been getting hammered in recent days. Either way, there’s a lot to be troubled about when a sitting president uses his bully pulpit to go after a single company — largely because that company’s CEO owns a newspaper that covers the White House a little too accurately. “According to sources, Trump wants the Post Office to increase Amazon’s shipping costs. When Trump previously discussed the idea inside the White House, Gary Cohn had explained that Amazon is a benefit to the Postal Service, which has seen mail volume plummet in the age of e-mail. ‘Trump doesn’t have Gary Cohn breathing down his neck saying you can’t do the Post Office shit,’ a Republican close to the White House said.” Gabe Sherman in Vanity Fair: Trump’s War With Amazon (And The Washington Post) Is Personal. While Bezos’ ownership of the Washington Post is a key part of Trump’s latest feud, I wouldn’t underestimate the recently released Forbes list. Bezos holds the top spot and is the first person in the list’s history to top the $100 billion mark. Meanwhile, according to Forbes, Trump’s value dropped by $400 million, in part because “the rise of e-commerce has pushed down the value of properties like Trump Tower.”

+ Barnes and Noble doesn’t participate in Twitter feuds, but one imagines they’re as obsessed with Amazon as the president. Their latest effort to thrive? Selling food in their bookstores. Eater: Can $26 Short Ribs Save Barnes & Noble?


Sounds Like a Plan

Spotify’s much-anticipated appearance on the stock market has finally happened, and the company is one of few tech players having a good day. Spotify pioneered the streaming model that has the music business making a comeback. The NYT has a really interesting look at who makes what in the Spotify universe. “Last year, revenues — which include sales from CDs, downloads and subscriptions to services like Spotify — in the United States grew to $8.7 billion, their highest level in a decade, with streaming accounting for 65 percent of the total.” The big question is whether Spotify can get profitable while holding off the challenge from Apple and the other big tech companies who can use streaming music as a loss leader.

+ Quartz: The company’s story is an off-the-charts success—so we’re going use charts (and a few diagrams) to tell it.


The Man Who Would Be King

“In his work with the White House, is Mohammed bin Salman driving out extremism, or merely seizing power for himself?” Dexter Filkins examines that question in The New Yorker: A Saudi Prince’s Quest to Remake the Middle East.

+ “This much, at least, can be said for Mohammed bin Salman, the putatively reformist crown prince of Saudi Arabia: He has made all the right enemies.” Jeffrey Goldberg’s interview with MBS in The Atlantic made news on at least two fronts. First, the prince recognized “the right of the Jewish people to have a nation-state of their own next to a Palestinian state.” And second, he said Iran’s supreme leader “makes Hitler look good.”

+ The MBS tour of America is currently in LA where he and his entourage are staying at the Four Seasons. Like, the whole Four Seasons.


Teen Angst

“Young activists have staged walkouts, led massive rallies throughout the country, taken to social media to challenge lawmakers, and demanded town hall meetings with politicians.” All that has been impressive. But there’s still a big question for young people. Will they vote? So far, the answer has been no. LA Times: The political potential of millennials remains untapped because they don’t vote.


Student Dining Pall

“Some have altered their dining plans to cover more meals or to offer more low-cost options, or have begun distributing free dining hall vouchers to students who need them. Others have partnered with nonprofits to redistribute unused meals to hungry students.” WaPo: The hidden crisis on college campuses: 36 percent of students don’t have enough to eat.


Just Pruitt

Scott Pruitt has been pretty hard on the environment during his tenure as the Environmental Protection Agency chief. That part is by design. The part of his tenure that hasn’t gone according to plan is the growing list of scandals and controversies that are making headlines. Here’s a roundup of Why Trump’s EPA Chief Scott Pruitt May Be The Next Head On Trump’s Chopping Block.

+ “Nothing can prepare you for what happens when your life is turned upside down by current events. Nothing prepares you for conversations you have to have with your teenage children. Nothing prepares you for the news crews staking out your house, your back yard, your place of business. Nothing prepares you for the fear you feel every time you receive a package from a stranger.” Jill McCabe (wife of Andrew) in WaPo on what it’s like when a president attacks your family’s reputation.


Joint Commission

“In this time when we are so concerned — rightly so — about opiate misuse and abuse and the mortality that’s occurring, we need to be clear-eyed and use evidence to drive our policies. If you’re interested in giving people options for pain management that don’t bring the particular risks that opiates do, states should contemplate turning on dispensary-based cannabis policies.” Stat: Where marijuana is legal, opioid prescriptions fall.


Troop Think

“We’re going to be doing things militarily. Until we can have a wall and proper security, we’re going to be guarding our border with the military … We really haven’t done that before, or certainly not very much before.” AP: Trump wants military to secure border with Mexico.


Shark Narc

“It is quite obvious that beachgoers and beach recreation will become safer with the shark-mitigation technologies, but it is also important for us not to disturb the marine life in general. This is a win-win situation for both sharks and humans.” The Atlantic: Can AI Stop Shark Attacks? (Great, so I get my leg bitten off and then customer service suggests I try unplugging my AI for 30 seconds…)


Bottom of the News

“When we work out, it’s all about the abs, glutes, and biceps. But a new gym is targeting an often-ignored set of muscles.” Introducing the world’s first face gym. (My jaw dropped while reading this, so I guess I can hit the showers…)

+ Dog yoga is apparently a thing now. (No one tell my dogs they’re doing the cat pose…)

+ Edible glitter has arrived. (And if it’s like regular glitter, it will be impossible to get rid of.)

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