What the (J)eff?

Donald Trump has done the impossible. He’s made us root for Amazon. Or maybe we’re just rooting for the overall stock market that has been getting hammered in recent days. Either way, there’s a lot to be troubled about when a sitting president uses his bully pulpit to go after a single company — largely because that company’s CEO owns a newspaper that covers the White House a little too accurately. “According to sources, Trump wants the Post Office to increase Amazon’s shipping costs. When Trump previously discussed the idea inside the White House, Gary Cohn had explained that Amazon is a benefit to the Postal Service, which has seen mail volume plummet in the age of e-mail. ‘Trump doesn’t have Gary Cohn breathing down his neck saying you can’t do the Post Office shit,’ a Republican close to the White House said.” Gabe Sherman in Vanity Fair: Trump’s War With Amazon (And The Washington Post) Is Personal. While Bezos’ ownership of the Washington Post is a key part of Trump’s latest feud, I wouldn’t underestimate the recently released Forbes list. Bezos holds the top spot and is the first person in the list’s history to top the $100 billion mark. Meanwhile, according to Forbes, Trump’s value dropped by $400 million, in part because “the rise of e-commerce has pushed down the value of properties like Trump Tower.”

+ Barnes and Noble doesn’t participate in Twitter feuds, but one imagines they’re as obsessed with Amazon as the president. Their latest effort to thrive? Selling food in their bookstores. Eater: Can $26 Short Ribs Save Barnes & Noble?

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