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Last night I suffered the embarrassment every man dreads. My kids walked in on me watching 60 Minutes. What did we actually learn from the interview (other than the fact that Trump allowed himself to be spanked with a rolled up MAGAzine)? The New Yorker’s Amy Davidson provides an overview.

+ In what might have been a disappointment to some, the interview’s most titillating aspects had to do with Trump’s legal tactics. David Frum: The president is used to getting his way by bluster and intimidation, but the strategy that once worked for him is now working against him.

+ The other thing we learned is that Stormy Daniels is as good at attracting a TV audience as Donald Trump. It was 60 Minutes’ most watched episode in nearly a decade.

+ As with most videos related to the adult film industry, you’re probably better off just watching the highlights.

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