A Wall Order
“The measure would include $25 billion for the president’s proposed wall at the Mexican border and offer a path to citizenship for 1.8 million of the young immigrants, but would preclude their parents from becoming citizens.” A group of Senators is racing against an end-of-the-week deadline to come up with an immigration deal. But as the NYT reports, President Trump has threatened to veto any deal that doesn’t largely match his hard-line proposal (even if it includes the wall, which at this point, seems like a given).
+ Meanwhile, today in scandal news, Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is in hot water after an investigation found that he “improperly accepted Wimbledon tennis tickets and his staff lied that he was getting an award in order to justify his wife accompanying him at taxpayer expense on an 11-day European trip.” EPA head Scott Pruitt explained that “he needs to fly first class because of unpleasant interactions with other travelers.” (Same.) DC insiders are jockeying for the White House Chief of Staff gig (should it become available). Trump announced that he’s totally opposed to domestic violence. Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen said he paid Stormy Daniels $130K out of his own pocket, and Daniels says that acknowledgement breaks her NDA and she’s therefore free to tell her story. (The most amazing part of the Stormy Daniels story is that someone who provided Trump with a service actually got paid…)