The Groomsman

Here’s a story that might make the hair on the back of your neck stand up a bit. But don’t worry, Brennon Jones can help. If you live in Philadelphia, you might have seen Jones around town, giving free haircuts to the homeless. “It started earlier this year, when Jones passed by a homeless person, dropping a couple dollars and a banana in front of him. But later, the sight of the man stuck with him. ‘I started to kind of beat myself up. I felt as though I didn’t do enough. I missed out on the opportunity to potentially change his life, in a sense … to help out more.'” But wait, this isn’t just a story about a good guy who makes a habit of giving free haircuts to people living on the street. It’s a cut above that, as it’s also the story of another guy who was so inspired by that guy that he gave him his own barbershop.

+ While we’re in Philly, a teenager hit a three-pointer and a half-court shot during halftime at a Sixers game.”Obviously, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand in front of the sold-out crowd at the Wells Fargo Center and everyone chanting for you. It was amazing.” Thanks to the shots, everyone in attendance got a Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit. But there’s more to the story. When it’s the NextDraft Good News Only Pre-Thanksgiving Extravaganza, there’s always more to the story.

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