The Apple of Your I

I’ve been a tech addict and Apple fanboy since the 80s. Apple could release a 2×4 with a rotary dial for two grand and I’d buy it in a second. Today, Apple celebrated the tenth anniversary of the iPhone (the product that changed everything) by sharing a selection of updated products that serve as a reminder of how far personal technology has come, and the remarkable hold it has over most of us. In addition to updated iPhones that unlock when they recognize your face, Apple introduced a new version of its watch with a cell connection that keeps you connected at all times, while monitoring your heart rate and other vitals. That’s how integral tech wants to be to your life, and we’re only a decade into the iPhone revolution. As we’ve seen with all other tech advances, these will come with positives and negatives. Here’s a rundown of Apple announcements.

+ As I reported last week, facial recognition of all types will herald in a period of greater convenience, coupled with less privacy and increased weirdness.

+ As we put more of ourselves into the cloud, it’s worth remembering that pretty much everything we’ve ever shared has been stolen. The Equifax hack was the latest example, and exposes our identity crisis. “Considered along with the data stolen from various other breaches, hacks, and leaks, ‘it’s a safe assumption that everyone’s Social Security number has been compromised and their identity data has been stolen.'”

+ How does our tech keep moving forward while our security lags far behind? In the NYT, Zeynep Tufekci takes a look at Equifax’s Maddening Unaccountability. (Who would have guessed a company that named itself after a Fax would fail to be armed for modern threats?)

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