Bring Your Own Borscht
“Russian operatives hiding behind false identities used Facebook’s event-management tool to remotely organize and promote political protests in the U.S., including an August 2016 anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim rally in Idaho.” As the Daily Beast reports, it wasn’t just fake news. Russia Used Facebook Events to Organize Anti-Immigrant Rallies on US Soil.
+ Buzzfeed: Russia Sought A Broad Reset with Trump, Secret Document Shows. “The Kremlin’s reset plan came with an ambitious launch date: immediately.”
+ “Overall, the existence of ‘disputed’ tags made participants just 3.7 percentage points more likely to correctly judge headlines as false.” It turns out that tagging news as fake doesn’t make people much more likely to view it as being false. (We can’t get people to believe that evolution is real or that the earth isn’t flat. They’re not gonna believe a few measly tags…)