The Wind Beneath My Things

Irma has already left her mark on several Caribbean islands, and she’s now headed towards Florida where she’ll follow a path that forecasters worry will represent the worst case scenario. Here are the latest Irma updates from The Guardian.

+ A scientist from the National Hurricane Center summarizes the statements of many experts: “This hurricane is as serious as any I have seen. No hype, just the hard facts. Take every lifesaving precaution you can … I have little doubt Irma will go down as one of the most infamous in Atlantic hurricane history.” (In related news: Jose just reached Category Four.)

+ With some weather events, the challenge is convincing people to evacuate. This time, it’s figuring out how to make room on the roads for every who wants out.

+ Scientific American: “High-resolution images from satellites and the dramatic ‘hurricane hunter’ flights into the category 5 storm get all the glory. But … it is the old-fashioned weather balloon — a stalwart of the meteorological world since the 1930s — that can provide some of the most detailed, reliable data.”

+ “‘She need the generator,’ said Santiago, whose first language isn’t English. ‘It’s OK. No worry for them.'” Ahead of the storm, a shopper gives a stranger a store’s last generator.

+ While everyone was focused on hurricanes, tsunami warnings were triggered by a massive quake hit off the coast of Mexico. There are reports of many deaths.

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