Georgia Breach
“It’s a bad place to live, which is why I moved here. I was looking for a place that needed me.” One of the few benefits to come out of the current health care fight is that we’ve gotten perspectives on the state of the industry from every corner of the union. Here’s a doctor’s view of Obamacare and Trumpcare from rural Georgia. “The low levels of literacy and engagement of people here — I think a lot of them just aren’t even aware of these discussions going on. The uninsured don’t have anything or expect to get anything.”
+ “In few places are the political complexities of health care more glaring than in this poor state with crushing medical needs, substantially alleviated by the Affordable Care Act, but where Republican opposition to the law remains almost an article of faith.” The NYT on Kentucky: In McConnell’s Own State, Fear and Confusion Over Health Care Bill.
+ “More women in labor or brand new mothers die here than in any other high-income country. And the CDC Foundation estimates that 60 percent of these deaths are preventable.” Vox: California decided it was tired of women bleeding to death in childbirth.
+ In the Senate, more new ideas to get the votes to repeal and replace, but little consensus.