Riyadh Man Out
Look, I think it’s safe to say we all needed a little break. After a week of the relentless pounding of Trump-related news, the president and his top advisors have taken off on a nine day trip. The first stop is in Saudi Arabia, “which is designed to solidify what the administration envisions as its premier partnership in the Arab and Muslim world, effectively anointing the kingdom as Islam’s political as well as religious leader.”
+ OK, that’s it. Break over. Back home, Americans are getting more insights about Trump’s firing of James Comey: The NYT reports on this outtake from Trump’s meeting with Russian officials in the Oval Office: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” (I’m getting the feeling the president might have an impulse control issue.)
+ Comey has his own take on the relationship: From WaPo Comey prepared extensively for his conversations with Trump. From the NYT: Comey, unsettled by Trump, is said to have wanted him kept at a distance. And from Lawfare: What James Comey told me about Donald Trump.
+ Politico Magazine: What Donald Trump needs to know about Bob Mueller and Jim Comey. (Very interesting backgrounder…)
+ As always, it’s important to remember that not everyone is consuming the same version of the news. From Vox: We tracked the Trump scandals on right-wing news sites. Here’s how they covered it. From The Ringer: Sean Hannity and the End of Obviousness. And from The Guardian: Trump diehards dismiss Russia scandal: “Let the guy do his thing, then judge him. The Democrats wanted him out three months ago, so what’s the difference? It’s just bullshit.”