Make America Yates Again?

“To state the obvious you don’t want your national security advisor compromised with the Russians.” As her Russia-Trump testimony began, Sally Yates said that she believed that Michael Flynn was “compromised” and warned the White House about it. Here are the live updates from CNN.

+ “The warning, which has not been previously reported, came less than 48 hours after the November election when the two sat down for a 90-minute conversation in the Oval Office.” President Obama warned Trump against hiring Mike Flynn a couple days after the election.

+ Eli Lake: Washington Loves General McMaster, But Trump Doesn’t. “Trump was livid, according to three White House officials, after reading in the Wall Street Journal that McMaster had called his South Korean counterpart to assure him that the president’s threat to make that country pay for a new missile defense system was not official policy.”

+ The Daily Beast: A Hidden Hand in the Trump-Russia Drama Owns a Ramen Shop. No, Seriously. (Politics has a knack for ruining things. Let’s not let it ruin Ramen…)

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