Erd Mentality
“Since July, some forty thousand people have been detained, including a hundred and fifty journalists. A hundred thousand government employees have been fired, and a hundred and seventy-nine television stations, newspapers, and other media outlets have been closed. Many opposition leaders are in jail. That’s not an environment conducive to asking a populace what it wants.” The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins: Turkey’s Vote Makes Erdoğan Effectively A Dictator.
+ The State Dept offered an alternate perspective, but President Trump called to congratulate Erdoğan. Why? Maybe because Erdoğan regularly says nice things about Trump?
+ “Everybody has been outplayed, they’ve all been outplayed by this gentleman. And we’ll see what happens. But I just don’t telegraph my moves.” Trump may not telegraph his moves, but he sort of telegraphed that he doesn’t know that Kim Jong-Un and Kim Jong-Il are different people.
+ Wait, was the US ‘armada’ actually sailing away from Korea?
+ Ivanka got a bunch of Chinese trademarks on the same day as the Chinese president was having dinner at Mar-a-Lago.