Surgical Strikes

“When you visit a doctor, you probably assume the treatment you receive is backed by evidence from medical research. Surely, the drug you’re prescribed or the surgery you’ll undergo wouldn’t be so common if it didn’t work, right?” Sadly, that’s wrong. The Atlantic on medicine’s epidemic of unnecessary and unhelpful treatments: When Evidence Says No, but Doctors Say Yes.

+ “Pitchforks have their uses, but crafting health-care policy calls for more delicate instruments.” Atul Gawande on the tricky part of changing Obamacare: Americans don’t want to lose the benefits they have gained.

+ Trump said his team is nearly ready to unveil a new plan, and added: “Now, I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject … Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” (Editor’s note: Everyone knew.)

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