Tuesday, October 11th, 2016


You Had One Job…

Nextdraft will be off for Yom Kippur tomorrow. So today is my last chance to get in some atonement-worthy lines.

Facebook just launched a version of its service aimed at hooking you and your team at work. As Quartz reports, Facebook's Workplace is coming for the last part of your life that it doesn't dominate. Of course, Facebook already dominates your workday, but up until now, it's been used to avoid the job you're supposed to be doing. This story is important for two key reasons. First, it marks another time that a mega-tech company is coming after a business sector increasingly being dominated by an upstart (Slack). Second, it represents a further blurring of the (all but erased) line between your work and the rest of your life. In The New Yorker Anna Weiner argues that "there is something confounding about the idea of signing into Facebook to do business, rather than to be distracted from it." I remain confident that Facebook will not be able to draw me away from my real work (which I do on Twitter).


The Tracks of My Peers

There's probably something bad about feeling the constant compulsion to share your location, photos, experiences and thoughts with everyone you know on social media. And there's definitely something bad about that information being shared well beyond those confines. From WaPo: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram sent feeds that helped police track minorities in Ferguson and Baltimore.

+ "A 'Hippocratic oath' for software designers would stop the exploitation of people's psychological vulnerabilities." Tristan Harris believes Silicon Valley is addicting us to our phones. He's determined to make it stop.

+ The Atlantic: How social media is being weaponized across the world. (And they mean ISIS, not US presidential campaign.)

+ A Saudi teen flirted online with a woman in California and ended up in jail.


A Cooling Off Period

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been a focal point in the US presidential election, but his tension with the West goes beyond that reality show. He just canceled a trip to France after "President Francois Hollande said he would see him only for talks on Syria - the latest episode in deteriorating relations between Moscow and the West."


Venezuela Diagram

"We used to only read about malnutrition in medical books, but now we are seeing cases like those in Africa. Things have become far worse over the past year." From The Guardian: Venezuela on the brink: a journey through a country in crisis.


Shackled and (With)Drawn

Donald Trump is (at least outwardly) celebrating his split with Paul Ryan and many other GOP politicians and insiders. On Tuesday, he Tweeted: "It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to." (I guess up until now, we've been getting the restrained Trump.)

+ Trump is reeling in the polls which now suggest a double-digit deficit. But he's still killing it at his rallies: Where Trump is Still King.

+ In the NYT Magazine: Mark Leibovich takes you inside the final weeks of Hillary Clinton's cautious -- and surprisingly risky -- campaign.


When We Attack Mars

President Obama has set out a course for a federal/private space effort to get humans to Mars by the 2030s. (If we wanted to send Americans to Mars, 2016 would've been a better goal date.) "Getting to Mars will require continued cooperation between government and private innovators, and we're already well on our way. Within the next two years, private companies will for the first time send astronauts to the International Space Station." (This is the second post that Obama has written this week. It's now clear that, after his term is up, he wants to be a blogger.)


The Other Sniffing Story

"There's no ‘noxious scent' receptor in the dog's brain. But they do seem particularly interested in rolling in smells that we find somewhere between off-putting and disgusting." In the NYT, we get a whiff of the whats and whys when it comes to dogs as they sniff out their world.


Hit The Pine, Meat

"Earlier this year, Whole Foods began selling Beyond Burgers -- Beyond Meat's plant-based protein hamburger patty that 'bleeds' when you grill it -- right next to its real burgers in the meat cooler." How do you know when meatless meat is about to become a thing? When Tyson Foods invests in a company that produces it. The future answer to Where's the Beef is "These days, we can't be sure."


Might Be Time to Move On To the Eight

Along the spectrum of factors that can make it challenging to sell your products, there are few more severe than when your product tends to explode. Hence, Samsung will permanently stop Galaxy Note 7 production.


Bottom of the News

"The burger chain said Tuesday that it is being 'thoughtful in respect to Ronald McDonald's participation in community events.'" Think you're stressed about creepy clown sightings. Imagine how McDonald's feels.

+ NPR: The Remarkable History Of The Humble Pencil.

+ Of course, there's a competitive pinball scene. And of course, it's in Portland.

+ AV Club: How do you remove caffeine from coffee? (I'm less interested in how than why...)